Girls Dressed Up as Supergirl
“Man of Steel” comes out on June 14, 2013. Although there is no Supergirl in the new movie, we are showing girls that have dressed up as Supergirl. Scroll down to see a list of our favorite Supergirls

Helen Slater
Helen Slater played Supergirl in the 1984 “Supergirl” movie. This movie was trying to follow up on the success of the Superman movies from the 70s and 80s (the ones with Christopher Reeve as Superman). The movie never really did that well and it received some pretty horrible reviews. Since there are better movies to watch now a days, even more if you have a big tv with a tv corner mount to install it anywhere you want.

Amber Heard
At one point, there were rumors that Amber Heard would also star as Supergirl in a new movie. This was never made but we think she would have made an excellent Supergirl. She looks great in the Super-uniform though so we are going to have to include her.
Laura Vandervoort
Laura Vandervoort played Supergirl in the television series “Smallville” although she was usually referred to as Kara, Clark’s cousin.
Kristen Bell
Kristen Bell played Supergirl in a movie called “Movie 43”.

Cosplay Girls
Other than the famous girls above there are also girls that put on the uniform for conventions. These Cosplay girls (short for costume play) just love to get dressed up, show off and get their picture taken. If you need Colored Contact Lenses for your next cosplay event, then make sure to check out what Cosplay Contacts Store has to offer.